Expert Firestopping Inspections

🔍 Visual Firestopping Inspections
✅ Non-invasive evaluation of firestop installations.
✅ Ensures compliance with fire codes and approved designs.
✅ Ideal for routine inspections and project sign-offs.
🔨 Destructive Firestopping Inspections
✅ Thorough testing by removing Firestop materials to assess penetration integrity.
✅ Verifies correct installation and material performance.
✅ Required for critical fire-rated assemblies or high-risk environments.

🏗 Engineered Judgments & Complex Firestop Solutions
Not all firestopping challenges have standard solutions. Tech Firestopping works with engineers and manufacturers to develop Engineered Judgments (EJs) for customized firestopping systems that accommodate unique penetrations, oversized openings, and complex MEP installations.
✅ Firestop solutions for large mechanical and electrical penetrations.
✅ Compliance with industry standards when tested systems are unavailable.
✅ Approved documentation and certification to satisfy inspectors and AHJs.